French I 8th Grade

5/22 I think we are all done with classes! You have until 5/29 to finish everything. If you want we can have a cooking zoom today. My kitchen is somewhat ok, lights are redone, but backsplash is not there, just sitting in the garage since the person who works on it went out of town. We can still make crêpes, goffres/waffles, croque-monsier/madame, quiche, etc. Email me if you want to.

5/21 Grammaire PC vs Imparfait read textbook and do VHL activities 

5/20 Grammaire Connaitre vs Savoir, read textbook pages in Structures and do VHL activities 

5/19 Roman-photo 8B pages 272-273 read and watch video on VHL and do  VHL activities after video. 

5/18 The last week ! Prononciation page 271 read along and listen on VHL. 

5/15 Vocab 8B Chores "Les tâches ménagères" pages 268-269 write vocabulary and do VHL acivities.

5/14 Read pages 264-265 more about PC vs Imparfait and do VHL activities. 

5/13 Read pages 262-263 Grammaire Passé Composé vs. Imparfait and do VHL activities. 

5/12 Roman-photo to watch and answer act 1-2 on VHL. Culture pages 260-261 act 1-2 on VHL. 

Annonce: Le musicle Notre-Dame de Paris va être à New York le 13-17 juillet, 2022. yes

5/11 Prononciation page 257 S and SS read and do VHL activities. Zoom office hours  today at 12pm not 1 pm Meeting ID: 988 4902 9240   Password: 728246

Songs of the day by Partick Fiori who got famous in French Musical "Notre-Dame de Paris" 

5/8 Vocab 8A write notes page 254-255 and do VHL activities. 

5/7 Panorama les pages 246-247 lisez et faites les activités sur VHL. Hier j'ai trouvé les chansons du chanteur Ridsa. Je les aime.  

5/6 Three VHL activities sur Imparfait. 

5/4 Read Structures Adverbs on pages 240-241 and do 3 VHL activities.

5/1 Watch Roman - Photo on VHL and do VHL 2 activities. 

4/30 Memorize a poem written by Charles Trenet: Il pleut dans ma chambre, J'écoute la pluie. Douce(sweet) pluie de septembre qui tombe(falls) dans mon lit. Le jardin frissone (trembles), toutes les fleurs ont pleuré(cried), pour la venue(arrival) de l'automne et pour la fin de l'été.  

4/29 Read p 235 Prononciation and do VHL activities on pronunciation. 

4/28 VHL activities on new Vocab 7B.

Take an exclusive tour of the premises of Chambord, one of the world’s most recognizable castles and learn about its history, geographic setting and conservation efforts. Experience the beautiful history of Chambord HERE:
#culturechezvous #culturefromhome #explorefrance #experiencefrance #frenchhistory

4/27 Write new vocab page 232-233 and do 3 VHL activities on Video. 

4/25  Bon week-end!

4/24 Four VHL activities on Direct Object Pronouns due 2/23 on vhl. Don't worry if it says Late I still see it done by you.  Bon week-end !  Amusez-vous bien pendant le week-end. Faites du vélo, du jogging,  promenez-vous à la plage ou au parc! heart

4/23 Read and take short notes on new Grammar Direct Object Pronouns on p 228-229 and do VHL activities . 

4/22 Four VHL activities on Passé Composé with Être. Today is Earth Day! Googlel what do they do special for Earth Day in France. Zoom Office Hours Meeting 1pm ID: 930 6122 4835     Password: 462051

4/21 Four VHL activities on Passé Composé with Être. If it says Late don't worry, I still see it done. I see work from 4/17 that I put as due date 4/19 is not completed by many. Finish it when you have a chance. I do not have strict deadlines but it needs to be done at some point.  

4/20 Read Structures pages 226-227 and take good notes on grammar 

4/17 VHL activities on Flash Culture different from 4/16, due date on vhl 4/19 just so they are all on different dates. 

he first World Art 🎨 Day was held on April 15th, 2012, a date chosen in honor of Leonardo da Vinci's birthday! To celebrate and explore here is a link  

🎨 Interested in seeing La Joconde up close 👀? History and facts about this painting can be seen in Musée du Louvre virtual tour:

🎨 Through the National Gallery of Art Degas Virtual Tour experience Edgar Degas' passion for the Opera of 19th century Paris:

4/16 VHL activities on 7A on Flash Culture, check VHL. I moved 4/15 VHL assignment to 4/18 as some had issues seeing it. 

4/15 VHL activities on 7A Vocab, check VHL I put due date 4/18.

Zoom today if you have questions 1-2 pm ID: 987 5051 0701   Password: 552516 

4/14 Page 225 : write vocab A la gare, Read and translate Les transports and Musee d'Orsay and answer 1-6, Sur Internet on internet research Le Founiculaire de Monmartre and one in Quebec City and one at Les Chutes de Montmorency in Quebec.  Write 2-3 sentences about each one. 

4/13 Zoom for questions  today at 1-2 pm Meeting ID: 925 5154 8990 Password: 562350

Hope you had nice Easter weekend! I will have Zoom time 1-2 pm Mon and Wed to ask questions if you have any. I started putting Fun French Activities on my main classroom tab right after my picture with Bella. Best French shows, Free French Video games, Best French shows for kids ...

 Eiffel Tower was struck by lightning yesteday, check cool pictures on google Eiffel Tower Lighting Strike. 

Review vocabulary 7A pronouncing the words outloud by yourself or with Vurtual textbook pages like we did in class sometimes. Read Tahiti on page 224 and Coup de Main on the left side and write anwers to questions 1-10 in complete sentences.  I will have Zoom Mon and Wed 1-2 pm to answer your questions if you have any. 

4/9 No classwork today. Submit your work from Monday to BB or email.

4/8 Make-up contest at 2 pm if you need. Email me if needed. I will send you zoom number.

Great job! Felicitations! No classwork for couple days for you. Make-up Contest if you were not able to take it is Wed! 

4/7 I have zoom for you first, than log into contest page as you always did and take Le Grand Concours. Join any session you can at the beginning. 11, 12:15 and 1:30. Have your username and password, phone turned off to show me on zoom. You have to stay on zoom all the time so that I watch you during Contest. 

I have to move the time for Contest from 10-11-12 pm to 11-12:15 -1:30pm as I have a meeting at 10 am on Tuesday 4/7.

4/6 Draw a person or animal and label in French at least 20 Body Parts with un et une before words. Google them and pronounce correctly with google translate :) Put the title "J'ai mal à ... (body part) - something hurts me. Do not submit work yet. BB is not working properly yet. 

4/5 I created a task pages 136-137 on Black Board. Check if you can upload your file there!

Here are some free French video games for you!

I will schedule another zoom meeting for those students who ere not able to attend today at 1 pm. Keep watching the site. 

Zoom meeting

Topic: French
Time: Apr 3, 2020 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 352 465 060
Password: 025701


I will try to set Zoom time for tomorrow Fri at 1 pm and send you/post here the zoom code. 

4/2 Hope you are doing well today! I will have a zoom training today and I will set a zoom time for tomorrow Friday if you wish to reach me and talk to me. I want us to take French National Contest on Tuesday. We have to use zoom so that "I can see you" and than you take it on your computer at home. Review grammar rules and vocabulary in your book and and practice the tests that you have not done yet. No other classwork/homework for today and tomorrow. We have not learned Body Parts and it can be on the contest I assume. Hang in there and do French activities. Email or call me if you need 321-701-4145.  smiley

4/1 I hope you are all doing well right now and I am sure you can't wait to start learning something new in French! If not, write me a short email about your thoughts. My family and I are doing good so far, not sick, hope your's is doing ok. 

Here we go - ALLEZ! 

1. Révisez le vocabulaire aux pages 218-219 "Bon Voyage!" lisez et prononcez a voix haute (outloud) à tes parents ou à ton animal domestique

2. Ecrivez 2-3 phrases pour les photos à la page 220 Act 5. I know we did it by speaking but this time write about these pictures using new vocabulary from pages 218-219. 

Do not turn in so far, I get 100 emails per day right now. Keep it untill the end of the week, please. 



3/31 I sent everybody a survey form that needs to be completed by 4/2. Thank you! I will post assignments later today or tomorrow. Hope you and your families are doing ok.  We will take National Contest from homes next week Mon or Tue. 

3/25 If you are really bored, you can practice Contest Level 01 as well. Lat year's contet was difficult for all across USA. Should be a very good practice. 

sh Vocab 7A hand-out that you got in class if you have not done so. 

3/6 Practice 2015 Le Concours, take picture and show on Monday.

3/5 Brinng headphones for laptops! VHL activities 7A

3/4 Vocab Notes 7A p 218-219

3/3 Lecture aux pages 212-213, ecrivez les reponses pour Modele, Familles de mots, Apres la lecture, Conceillez 

3/2 Study for quiz 6B pages 196-207

2/28 Go to, log in with your username and password, and practice Level 1 2017. Take a picture with your phone of you score or similar page at the end of test and show me in class on Monday. Quiz on ^B Tuesday. 

2/27 Hand-ourt "Indirect Object Pronouns and -re verbs"

2/26 Bring head phones for laptops and your username/passwords for Contest. Finish class hand-out and bring to class.2/25 VHL activities

2/24 Hand-out

2/21 Go to, log in with your username and password, and practice Level 1 2019. Take a picture with your phone of you score or similar page at the end of test and show me in class on Monday. 

2/20 VHL listening activities

2/19 Finish hand-out on roman-photo all in French

2/18 Finish han-out pages 1 and 3

2/13 Vocab Notes 6B 196-197, finish hand-out on grammar review activities  from  Wed 2/12 and practice 2019 Practice test Le Grand Concours Review Materials. 

2/12 Study for quiz 6A structures

2/11 VHL on Past tense

2/10 VHL on Demonstratives Adjectives

2/7 pages 188-189 in textbook act 1 and 2, write new vocab words from page 189

2/6 Present Meteo project tomorrow in French!

2/5 Study for quiz Vocab 6A and proverbs 

2/4 VHL activities on roman-photo and hand-out if you need more time

2/3 VHL activities on vocab 6A, finish Review Hand out from 5B Structures and turn in 

1/31 Write Vocab Notes for Lesson 6A (both pages) 

1/29 Study for quiz Culture and Structures pages 166-171

1/28 Hand Out on -er stem changing verbs